Leaded windows, garden panels and mirrors
One and two day workshops
Make your own beautiful stained glass panel or mirror (hanging, standing or to fit) and learn the art of traditional stained glass work. An array of coloured and textured glass will be available to make your own individual abstract panel. Anna will show you how to cut glass, 'lead up', solder, cement and if you wish, install your panel.
One day course. You will learn how to cut glass, 'lead up', solder, cement and if you wish, add loops for hanging. You will be working from 6 & 7 piece abstract designs so that you are able to take away a completed panel on the day.
Two day course. Choose a template or design your panel or mirror consisting of 10 to 12 pieces.
Don’t worry, if you need design guidance beforehand, Anna is there to help!
The day involves long periods of standing and needs reasonable strength in hands and wrists. Classes in copper foiling or mosaic might be more suitable for those with limited strength or control but feel free to contact me if you're not sure.
Classes are small to ensure you get good student : tutor time.
All classes run from 10.30am - 4pm with a well deserved break for your packed lunch.
Unlimited tea and coffee is on offer throughout the day too!
What's included?
All tools and materials for the course are provided, however, this does not include red, dark purple and pure orange glass but this can be bought at trade price on the day and is normally £1-3. You will be asked to bring a few household items with you.
Ten week courses
Workshops in your home or venue